Web App Installer

An easy install of blog sites, picture galleries, etcetera.

By using the 1–click Web Application Installer integrated into the Web Application Installer, you can easily get your own fully fledged web site on the web in a matter of minutes. With a mouse–click, your blog page, forum, photo collection or e–commerce store will be made and will be all set for use. Decide on your app, fill out a few specifics associated with the spanking new site and click the Install key. We’ll perform all the rest for you! More than 40 free scripts are available for you to make a choice from.

Web App Installer

24x7 Support

Get in touch with us at any time

You can email us night and day with any questions that you can have as related to our Linux semi-dedicated hosting. You may contact us through email and via the ticket system and we are going to post back to you in as much as an hour. In reality, our average response time frame is below 20 min. On business days, you could ring us or use the live messaging system on our web store.

24x7 Support

Web Stats

Thorough stats included into the Web Control Panel

Descriptive data regarding who goes to your site and when is displayed in the Stats Manager section of your Web Application Installer. You will be able to see where your site traffic is derived from, what keyword phrases visitors use to find your website, etcetera. You could employ AWStats, Webalizer and our custom web analytics software tool to obtain every piece of information pertaining to your web page introduced in an easy–to–read–through approach.

Web Stats

Scripting Support

All semi-dedicated hosting include full scripting support

Our Linux–based semi-dedicated hosting deliver full scripting support. You’ll be able to run different PHP or Python scripts and furthermore select from among more than 3000 Perl modules. The Linux semi-dedicated hosting also feature PostgreSQL and MySQL support and feature the InnoDB MySQL storage engine. SSI, Zend Optimizer, ImageMagick and GD Library are also supported on our shared hosting system.

Scripting Support

  • Service guarantees

  • Wide Open Host’s Linux semi-dedicated hosting are put together for you free. 99.9% uptime availability. SSH access rights. Free Control Panel bundled.
  • Compare our prices

  • Check out Wide Open Host’s charges and choose the perfect semi–dedicated server for your fast growing sites. Upgrade to a more advanced server set–up with simply a click.
  • Compare Semi-dedicated servers
  • Contact Us

  • Make contact with us at any time by email or via Wide Open Host’s Control Panel built–in ticketing system. 1–hour reply time frame warranty.