If you establish a fresh website, it’s crucial to get the best style for it. Within the Wide Open Host Web Control Panel you can do that really quickly. We have now for you an array of more than 800 distinctive site web templates obtainable for free of cost. They are presented with all our cloud hosting accounts and are fully easy to customize.
Nearly all of Wide Open Host’s themes are made exclusively for our solutions and aren’t offered anywhere else beyond the Control Panel. Consequently the probabilities to discover somebody else with the same template just like you will be nominal.
800+ Cost Free Design Templates
Thoroughly customizable. Automatic Installing
In the Control Panel you will find a group of 800+ cost free design templates. All of them are manufactured for any person who truly wants to speedily create a brand new site accompanied by a custom template, without having to invest numerous hours searching numerous theme galleries online.
Our templates are derived from the most widespread kinds of websites – blogs, portfolio pages, message boards, sites of non–profit agencies, e–stores, company websites, etc.
Cost Free Application Design Templates
Find cost free design templates for your forthcoming application
Using the tools that you have got at your disposal inside the Wide Open Host Control Panel, you can quickly build a fresh Joomla™ website or maybe a WordPress blog on your own. You can also decide on a pretty layout for your website out of a large selection of simple–to–customize themes.
You may get a brand new specialized theme when using the subsequent apps: Wordpress, Joomla™, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery). The themes are work with all versions of the web applications and can be downloaded for free at any time.
Cost Free Site Builder Design Templates
100+ thoroughly easy to customize cost free design templates
If you wish to establish your very own website and spend less on website design, you may make the most of Wide Open Host’s Free Web Site Building Instrument. It’s a web template–structured website builder that requires absolutely no HTML or CSS skills from you, and is obtainable for 100% free with all our cloud hosting packages.
The tool offers more than 100 distinctive designs, that you can completely alter to your liking. As these cost free design templates are meant just for the site builder, there is no doubt that after you construct your site, it will be unique.