PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Hosting
If you purchase a shared hosting plan from us, you will never need to speculate if your websites are compatible with the web hosting platform, as multiple PHP versions are activated on our servers for your convenience. The Hepsia Control Panel will allow you to select PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 with only one click and if you want to change the current version, the update will be applied straight away. Thus, many years of work on sites created with an older version won’t be wasted. Our hosting platform will even allow you to use a different version of PHP for each domain name hosted in your account, so you can use older and newer scripts at the same time. Most hosting companies on the marketplace offer one, sometimes two PHP versions. In contrast to them, we are strongly convinced that you should be the one to choose the version that will be used by your very own sites.
PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting support multiple versions of PHP, which means that you’ll be able to use all the applications that you’ve developed over the years. The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes bundled with every single semi-dedicated server account, will permit you to enable the required version with only one click. You can choose between PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8. In case you want to host multiple sites in the very same account and they have distinct requirements connected with the web hosting platform, you will be able to pick a different PHP version for each and every one of them irrespective of which version is enabled for the account itself. That’s achievable thanks to our custom-developed cloud web hosting platform, which allows us to run multiple versions of PHP all at once. By contrast, the great majority of web hosting vendors normally offer one, sometimes two versions.