TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .PROPERTIES registration $32.99 $65.98 $98.97 $131.96 $164.95 $197.94 $230.93 $263.92 $296.91 $329.90

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.PROPERTIES yes yes (EPP) yes yes 1-10 years

.PROPERTIES Domains Registration

These days, because of the millions of domain names registered on the net, it is difficult to acquire the precise domain name that you want. However, most of the domain names are restricted to only a couple of generic domain name extensions, like .COM or .NET. If you would like to have a domain name extension which will make your domain name much more outstanding, that will allow it to stand out from the crowd, then .PROPERTIES is an excellent choice. The .PROPERTIES TLD is just rising in popularity, therefore there are plenty of attractive domain names out there. You will get not only a domain name that fits the name of your firm, but also a domain name that suits your website's niche.

With Wide Open Host you can get a .PROPERTIES domain name for only $32.99 per year.

.PROPERTIES Domain Name Management with Wide Open Host

Not only can you register cut-rate .PROPERTIES domain names with Wide Open Host, but you can also manage them in an effort- and time-saving manner. With our custom Domain Manager, which is included in our in-house developed Web Hosting Control Panel, you will be able to modify the WHOIS data and the DNS resource records for your .PROPERTIES domain names with a couple of mouse clicks, to lock & unlock them, and so on. Many other essential settings can be implemented as well.

Last, but positively not least, if you have a web hosting account with Wide Open Host, our time-proven Web Hosting Control Panel will permit you to manage your web sites and your domains simultaneously.